Another one of those days...

Yeah, I know, sucks to be me, boo fuck'n hoo, suck it up buttercup, yada-yada-yada.
Three weeks ago I had an OP surgical procedure done on my back. Nothing too serious, but as a result I have an open wound that needs dressed daily. Remove the dressing, irrigate the wound, extract the gauze that was packed in the hole yesterday, which until recently was the thrill of a lifetime, if you're a masochist. Repack the hole with fresh gauze, the second great adventure of the day. Yes, until recently it was a whole lotta fun. Nothing to it now, I'm either healing or dying. The problem here, it's hard to sleep and the nurse for my adventures shows up at about nine, 0900 for you twenty-four hour clock types. Being a nocturnal, vampire -like night guy, nine o'clock in the a.m. comes way too early. Hence being tired.
Stinky, That's easy to determine the cause of. Open wound, can't get it wet. Hot, de-caf shower lites are not an option as the steam loosens the adhesive on the dressings. That leaves me with the proverbial sponge bath, and I can't even do that properly right now. More on that later.
Pain. Surprisingly enough, the now not-so-deep open wound that is healing nicely is not the source of the pain. The source of the pain is a case of severe tendonitis in my wrist. I've lost grip strength, can't hold anything and anyweird movement sends adventure-time pains shooting through my arm. Hence, the inability to take a proper sponge bath.
Three weeks ago I had an OP surgical procedure done on my back. Nothing too serious, but as a result I have an open wound that needs dressed daily. Remove the dressing, irrigate the wound, extract the gauze that was packed in the hole yesterday, which until recently was the thrill of a lifetime, if you're a masochist. Repack the hole with fresh gauze, the second great adventure of the day. Yes, until recently it was a whole lotta fun. Nothing to it now, I'm either healing or dying. The problem here, it's hard to sleep and the nurse for my adventures shows up at about nine, 0900 for you twenty-four hour clock types. Being a nocturnal, vampire -like night guy, nine o'clock in the a.m. comes way too early. Hence being tired.
Stinky, That's easy to determine the cause of. Open wound, can't get it wet. Hot, de-caf shower lites are not an option as the steam loosens the adhesive on the dressings. That leaves me with the proverbial sponge bath, and I can't even do that properly right now. More on that later.
Pain. Surprisingly enough, the now not-so-deep open wound that is healing nicely is not the source of the pain. The source of the pain is a case of severe tendonitis in my wrist. I've lost grip strength, can't hold anything and any
Okay, next item in the list; pissed off. That's a combination of everything here. Sleep deprivation, sick and tired of being in pain. Four and a half months of constant, sometimes intense pain added to my normal aches and pains has wreaked, wrecked, smashed, trashed and slashed what little mental stability I might have had. A hot shower sounds absolutely FUCKING ORGASMIC right about now. At this point in my day, I might consider an offer of amputation. Okay, probably not, but I'm tired of this SHIT!!!
Alright, piss, bitch and moan switch to the off position.
I'm going to go play the Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation game.
Alright, piss, bitch and moan switch to the off position.
I'm going to go play the Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation game.
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