Move along folks, ain't nothing to see here.
Anyone out of the betting pool yet? You should probably give me a little credit, even I thought I could make it this far. If this keeps up though, I'll have to find something real to
At the time of this typing, I should be joining the thousands of other masochists who are attempting to pound out a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. Yes, it
I've never been successful with the NaNoWriMo exercise, I can't seem to maintain the word count, or I will lose a day to general malaise, or my muse says "meh, I'm busy. You can handle it." Once that happens the 1700 words a day gets harder to maintain. I suppose I should pick a better story to tell, one that will hold my interest.
I've played the game for the past several Novembers. My best attempt, 43k, then as is normal, (have you not noticed from this feeble attempt at a BLOG?); real life, ADD and something sparkly caught my eye. I augured in, crashed, burned and bought the farm. This time around I had less motivation, fewer story ideas and too many other irons in the fire. The downside, you get me, all of me, trying to be witty, charming and incredibly entertaining. Unsolicited comments from the peanut gallery should be kept to a minimum here. You might damage my poor auld fragile ego.
So, you guys like stuff?
See you tomorrow...
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