Thursday, January 7, 2016

I'm still here.

Surprise, surprise.  This makes 6 in a row.  Not that it means much, still haven't found anything incredibly useful, witty, or funny to talk type about.  I'm still making the effort though.

How's everyone doing?  I really don't expect any answers as I really don't expect to have any readers and fewer followers.  This is an exercise primarily for my benefit, if you get something other than lining for the bottom of the birdcage, awesome.

So, once again I ask how much has the nightmare that is the GOP changed in the race to become the next President.  Has either Trump or Carson imploded yet?   There are currently, (2016.11.06) 15 candidates who have not called it quits and tossed in the towel yet.   Allegations of election fraud and mounting evidence are beginning to suggest governor elect Matt Bevin of Kentucky, a tea party republican may have been the recipient of a gift from the Illuminati or a Top-Secret Cabal headed by the Liberty Counsel and Kimmy Davis.

What the hell is happening to this Country?  It's like we've been eating paint chips or something.  When did the Tea Party led Murican Taliban convince 21st century Americans that a throwback to the 17th century was the way to move forward?   When did we fall for the same old rhetoric put forth by rich, old white men that what benefited them would benefit us?

Here we are, a little over 4 years away from the year 2020, words like racism, sexism, homophobia and elitism still exist in our everyday lexicon.   I ask why?  Why are the Caucasian Europeans so afraid?  Given our past treatment of people of color, people different from us, people of different religions we probably should be terrified.  

Alright, more later...

See you tomorrow...

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