Tuesday, January 26, 2016

It's rantin' time.

I think Social Media sites need a no stupid shit filter.  The developers, based on our choices, create algorithms to tell us what we might like, why can't they write code to help us with the garbage we don't?

I don't mean the ads, advertisements pay the bills.  It's all the other nonsense that people think is worth sharing with their 'networks'.  If I hide your stupid, cutesy animal video I shouldn't have to see it from your three hundred and ninety eight friends who have also decided to share your little gem.  If I hide enough posts about funny cat videos, the algorithms should kick in and hide all funny cat videos.   

I don't care about your local traffic, or your local news and weather.  In fact, if it's not worthy of national news coverage I couldn't care less about 99% of the crap people feel like sharing.  Tell me about you, what's happening in your life.  Quit eating up bandwidth and spamming everyone with click bait articles, and quizzes.  I don't care about the dumbass memes, cutesy babies, and adorable animals.
the inspirational, motivational constipational chain letters, misinformed, uninformed, unsubstantiated rumors and pictures of cats.

Hey, if one of our mutual friends shares something, it's probably a safe bet she/he/them/they have shared it with me as well.  I really don't need to see it again.  Think before you click Share...

I think I need to create an anti-social network. 

Rant switch off...

See you tomorrow... 

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