Thursday, May 12, 2016

This is Spring?

Here it is the first Monday in May, and it's colder here in the wasteland than it was in mid-February.  Cloudy, damp, rainy and cold.  Cold enough I'm considering turning on the furnace.  It's also 9:30 in the pm and the temperatures are set to rebound into the upper teens (C°) and upper 60's (F°) tomorrow.  So much for global warming, thanks Obama.

No, I'm not serious.  Global climate change and mankind's involvement in it are real, and major concerns for all of us.  Deforestation, habitat and wetland loss, sea-level rise, carbon emissions and the loss of biodiversity as we kill off more species of the flora and fauna of the planet is going to come back and bite us in the ass, if it isn't too late and Mother Nature hasn't yet started nibbling. 

 "Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd 
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd."
The Mourning Bride.
William Congreve.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and big mama Earth will heal herself at our expense.  A species level mass extinction might not be the best thing for humanity, but the planet would be better off.  Barring any cosmic disturbances in the Force, asteroids, comets, near earth supernovae, and any additional involvement by us, the planet has about 7.5 billion years left before it gets eaten by Sol.   If we leave her to it she'll be a nice place to visit again.

"Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed,  
but nature does not depend on us.  
We are not the only experiment." 
R. Buckminster Fuller.

As always, it still isn't much, but I have managed to keep the parakeets in birdcage lining for at least one more day.  Thanks.
See you tomorrow.

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