Thursday, June 30, 2016

So (expletives deleted) close.

So much for diligence.  So much for the unbroken six months.  They could have waited 5 working days.  Five days.  RAT BASTARDS!   Five working days would have gotten me through June and six continuous months.  A hundred and thirty-five posts, sometimes with just minutes to spare, but 135 of them, in a row no less.  Ugh.

So, now it seems I have to push it to December to make it to beat my record.  Double ugh.  Rat (expletives deleted)  bastards.  Have I said that yet?

Granted, it's not entirely their fault.  Had I not been pushing deadlines and kept the buffer zone safety margin minibar stocked the problem would never have been spotted on the back end.  We should probably have that checked out, no one wants to sit on a problem on their back end.

Nine-thirty in the AM, last Friday morning we broke up our bundle and changed our cable/satellite TV provider.   Let the pissy, revenge games begin.

In cancelling the TV, the person with the nuclear codes pushed the "wrong" button and wiped out the TV and though it was made clear we wanted to keep it, the internet as well.

"Oh, we'll get right on that.  You're service will be restored between 5 and 8 this evening." 
Except it wasn't.

"Oh, sorry bout that.  The system needs to reset."
Except it didn't.

"Oh, sorry.  That modem is no longer compatible, it's too fast." 

"Can you come down to the store tomorrow (Saturday) and pick up a brand new compatible modem?"
except, it wasn't.

"Sorry, that serial number isn't registered as one of ours."
Brand new, right out of the box, with the company logo and name clearly printed on both the box and the router modem.

Does anyone else see a pattern here?  Or is it just grumpy old curmudgeonly me?

"Okay, we're having another one shipped in.  It'll be here on Tuesday."
Well, this time they were right.  Then it took more than three hours to get it to work properly, read that as AT FUCKING ALL.

Needless to say, as soon as an install date for a new ISP gets here, this current one will be headed to the curb.

Okay, rant switch to the off position.


See you tomorrow.  Unless of course the ISP provider who must remain nameless screws the pooch exiling  me to the outback of the Wastelands again...


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