Sunday, July 3, 2016

First things First.

Three down, one hundred and thirty-five to go.

Friday in the wasteland and I'm trying to get an entry ready for a Monday morning post.  I know, who am I and what have I done with the real me, the procrastinating, push the deadline, pundit of alliteration?  Well, I rather enjoyed the flexibility of those ten weeks of lead time I had when the year started, obviously.   I enjoyed that flexibility so much that I let it slip, slide, slink and slither away.  In the attempt to prevent the ISP debacle of the last week I've decided to restock the tank... yada, yada, blah, blah, blah...
who am I trying to kid here?  We all know it's a long shot.  I'll be lucky to get to Tuesday.   Don't bet the farm.

I'm gearing up to run the Wardens of the Realm  campaign Sunday afternoon.  The Wardens (Player Characters) and a small army of peasants are traipsing through caverns in the attempt to A) find a way out, B) survive the events, and part 3) try to determine more of the story.  Good luck with that boys, I don't even know the whole thing yet.  Or I do, having it planned out for 10 Seasons on HBO, and a few full length Feature Films coming soon to a theater near you.   You know, just in case one of them is actually reading this.

I should really settle in here and get the grunt work done for the game.  I should also get my ass in gear and get all the campaign notes updated.  You know, just in case (intentional, don't rag on me for repeating myself), anyone should rush right out to learn the whole date, or actually not so up to date.  I should probably get off my arse and get all the campaign notes updated. (Still intentional).

First things first though.  It's a nice day, temperatures are mild and well, mild for this part of the wastelands at this time of the year.  First things always first.  I think I need a nap.

I'll procrastinate later.

Four down, one hundred and thirty-four to go.

As always, Thanks...

See you tomorrow.

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