Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The bubble of stupidity.

Nine down, one hundred and twenty-nine to go.

A few days ago I ran across this little gem.
"Love means educating yourself enough to know that the government has a eugenics agenda to reduce world population to 500 million people. And that the term "conspiracy theory" was invented in 1967 by the CIA, to discredit people who were revealing their plans."

Really?  I think someone should probably lay off the Kool-Aid,
especially if it's laced with LSD or spiked with lots of vodka.  Now, don't get me wrong, I've drank the Kool-Aid, sometimes spiked with vodka too.  If it weren't for coffee I might even enjoy a tall, cold glass today.

Conspiracy theories though?  Puh-leeze.  Flat-Earthers, seriously?  Anti-Vaxxers, you're idiots for endangering the rest of society.  Anti-science, anti GMO freaks?  Guess what ladies and gentlemen,  it's all been genetically modified by bazillions of years of evolution.  Fake moon landings, Paul is dead, Jim Morrison isn't.  The New World Order and the Illuminati,  FEMA death relocation and re-education camps.  False and Black flag operations, Black helicopters flying over the wastelands.  Man-made diseases and the suppression of "The Cure" for "Cancer".  RFID chips, perpetual motion power generators, dihydrogen monoxide chemtrails being sprayed on us from commercial airliners?  Well, okay.  I'll concede the truth to that one.

Yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.

Is it gullibility, ignorance or just the same part of the brain that fuels religious fanaticism?  A desire to believe in something intangible?  Science is your friend.

The Science behind the conspiracies.

This one makes two that are now loaded and ready.  I've clawed back a tiny bit of lead time.  I wouldn't count on it lasting through the week though. 

Ten down, one hundred and twenty-eight to go.
Thanks for your time.

See you tomorrow.

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