Friday, July 15, 2016

Wasting time, yours and mine.

Eleven down, one hundred and twenty-seven to go.

This one will get me through to the weekend.  Which also means I still need to find words to put on the page for Monday.  Two days to get one entry done.  I'm not sure it's enough.    There are about a baker's dozen digital sticky notes posted on the computer with ideas.  That's not really the issue, motivation and procrastination might be though.   I may or may not be falling back into the "I've got a safety net buffer zone, I can skate this one out" trap. 

I've been pseudo busy today on other projects that demanded my attention.  I would rather spend time with.  Oooooo, look.  Shiny.  Are you going to eat that?  Elvis, (yes, he's still the big, white dog), what is it you want buddy?  That goofy-assed grin doesn't ell me much.  Writing rules, a spreadsheet, a nap, okay two naps, a crappy night last night, an early morning this a.m, cool temperatures, thunderstorms and rain have conspired to entice me back to the bed.  I can still hear the siren's call, beckoning, luring me with the false promise of sleep.  You know, all those really important things that pop up when you're putting shit off.

I've been working on the Wardens of the Realm game all afternoon.  Got to keep it interesting for the players and especially for myself.  If I'm not having fun I can just phone it it.

"Hey guys.  Bad news, everyone died, roll up new characters and we'll start over next time."

Oh, and if any of you guys are reading this, pay no heed to the photo.  It's not for you.  Really.  I wouldn't lie to you...much.  Trust me, it really isn't about you. 

It's a good thing everyone has at least one back-up character, not that you're likely to need them or anything.  Good thing you have a cubic butt-ton of allies who can mount a recovery rescue mission.  Of course, they won't be needed either.

Look on the bright side, now that everyone is familiar with the rule set you can build better characters.  Oh, and you should always remember the number one rule, the GM is susceptible to bribery attempts.

Twelve down, one hundred and twenty-six to go.

As always, thanks for coming.

See you on Monday.  Peace.

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