Friday, January 20, 2017


At best he is a con man and a fraud, at worst he is a Russian puppet. I will give him more respect than his party gave his predecessor, though just. barely. However, like his party did with 44, I will fight his hatred and ignorance every step of the way.

His America is not the one I volunteered to serve.
As many on the right are fond of saying;

I took an oath, there is no expiration date on that oath.
There is however an order of precedence to that oath.
" and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."
precedes "...obey the orders of the President."

I believe the President is both an enemy (foreign or domestic) to the Constitution and to the country. I will
#Resist his administration until they haul my ass back to Guantanamo Bay...

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