Tuesday, July 17, 2018

It's not over.

I'm tired, physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted.  I am safe but I am so bloody fucking tired.  I want to escape to a place where I can rest, and recharge, somewhere safe from the worries that plague me daily.   However, that's not possible, physically, mentally, or financially.

I'm stuck.  The depression and anxiety have taken their toll.  Even though the oncologist is quite happy with my renal cell carcinoma prognosis, it too has left me exhausted.

There is so much darkness in the world surrounding me, hatred and ignorance.  The angry orange shit gibbon with his penchant for Russian cock, Russian whore piss, and the complacent, complicit orange cocksuckers that is the GOP these days have left me hating what my country has become.  America is facing a moral and probably mortal wounding.  It saddens me.  It sickens and disgusts me.  This is not the United States of America that I used to love.  This is a dystopian cyberpunk nightmare.

Brown children in cages, the LGBTQ+ community under attack, the rich getting richer and the poor getting fucked.  This is the GODDAMN 21st century!  This is not how we're supposed to be.

I can only hope that we can come to our senses in November and begin the process of trying to fix this absolute fucking shit storm.

I am fucking exhausted, but I remain safe.
Peace, Love and Harmony to all of us.