Monday, January 7, 2013

Crash and burn, again.

Hah!!! The best laid plans of mice and men.  I had said that I was going to spend Saturday composing blog entries.  You can certainly see how well that worked out.  Well, you could if you were here. 

I've had three days to get motivated.  It is however, midnight here in my local time zone on, get this Saturday night.  Three days to write blog entries and I'm just getting started on this one.  I could have been a week ahead.

"I love deadlines. 
I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."   
Douglas Adams.
All is not lost though, I've discovered my next topic.  It involves television.  Yeah, I know, big surprise there.   I might be able to actually get some mileage out of this one.  We shall see where the road takes me.  I'll give you a hint.  It's nothing new and debuted in 1972 as just the thing a twelve year old boy might watch.  I just finished watching the pilot.  Will I be spoiling the suspense if I tell you that it's not just new shows that I have problems with?

So, I trust everyone had a groovy weekend, waiting with breath abated for my next post.  If so, y'all need to get out more...

If only I had about twelve more hours in a day, the umphffff to do what needs to get done, and an unlimited supply of coffee and fresh donuts.  Oh, you should probably take the TV away from me, and kill the internet.  Wait, without television to bitch about and the internet to blog upon, it would be a waste of coffee and donuts.
Damn, it's always something...

Stay tuned kids, same Bat time, same Bat Channel...
(The Television show that I'm targeting isn't Batman.)

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