I had never intended Midnight Ramblings to become the lesson in history that is seems to be becoming. Finding the voice, as well as the primary focus of this blog page has been the hardest part, well aside from actually getting myself motivated to discover a daily topic, research it, write it and publish it. Originally, it was to have been a collection of random thoughts jotted down for posterity. Yes, yes I know. I'm not fooling anyone with my posterity talk.
Way back on the 17th of last month and prior to the Mayan Apocalypse I sat down with the intention of getting enough entries written and scheduled to stay two weeks ahead. That plan worked for all of about three days. This entry is scheduled to go live at 12:01 am Friday morning, it's now five pm on Wednesday. Way to stay in front of the thundering crowd Chip. Thus far, this New Year's resolution is still somewhat intact. I'm still ahead of the curve, (albeit just barely), I'm still writing. Okay, comments from the peanut gallery should be kept to a minimum here. I plan to spend all day Saturday (knock on wood) getting a few more entries in the pipeline. Maybe I'll have an epiphany or two and find a voice. I've probably got a few more television inspired rants that are itching to break out. It's pretty easy to find something to kvetch about on television. Fortunately, the election cycle has run it's course, unfortunately, that means that I can't whine about politicians as much. Because Igot am lazy and undermotivated
I missed an awesome, and nearly perfect blog opportunity when Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin opened his big mouth and swallowed his foot.
One never knows, I might find something else to whinge, bitch, complain, kvetch, whine or piss and moan about. I suppose I can start with the weather, it is, after all winter. It's easy for me to whinge about the cold and damp... I'm a curmudgeon.
Way back on the 17th of last month and prior to the Mayan Apocalypse I sat down with the intention of getting enough entries written and scheduled to stay two weeks ahead. That plan worked for all of about three days. This entry is scheduled to go live at 12:01 am Friday morning, it's now five pm on Wednesday. Way to stay in front of the thundering crowd Chip. Thus far, this New Year's resolution is still somewhat intact. I'm still ahead of the curve, (albeit just barely), I'm still writing. Okay, comments from the peanut gallery should be kept to a minimum here. I plan to spend all day Saturday (knock on wood) getting a few more entries in the pipeline. Maybe I'll have an epiphany or two and find a voice. I've probably got a few more television inspired rants that are itching to break out. It's pretty easy to find something to kvetch about on television. Fortunately, the election cycle has run it's course, unfortunately, that means that I can't whine about politicians as much. Because I
I missed an awesome, and nearly perfect blog opportunity when Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin opened his big mouth and swallowed his foot.
One never knows, I might find something else to whinge, bitch, complain, kvetch, whine or piss and moan about. I suppose I can start with the weather, it is, after all winter. It's easy for me to whinge about the cold and damp... I'm a curmudgeon.
"Get offa my lawn you dayum kids!"
Thanks for sticking with me thus far.
See ya Monday...
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