Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A better day.

Well, rather a benign day here in the wastelands.  Big, white dog, (it's still Elvis), let me sleep.  I only switched between the bed and the couch twice...each way.   No weird, saddening, depressing dreams and I'm relatively pain free.

The frozen-rubber-disk sports thingy is happening tonight.  Hopefully, the Blues can stop the runaway train.  They've lost 8 of the last 12.   I know, still moot, still ancient history and you still don't care.

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." Godwin's law, Mike Godwin.  Does this apply to conversations concerning Donald Trump?  George Stephanopoulos recently asked Trump whether the candidate was bothered by the increasing number of comparisons to Hitler, to which Trump responded, "No."

This man is dangerous.  His followers often present themselves as does Trump, rabid and frightened dogs.   Barking at non-existent threats.  Stiff legged and threatening to life in the twenty-first century.  Hateful, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, terrified mongrels, pissing on everything in the attempt to mark territory.   

Granted, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is still vying in a vain attempt to garner the GOP nomination.  However, in response to the  announcement that as president, Trump would ban all Muslims entry into the USA, Graham stated in an interview wiith CNN; 

“I don’t know who you are and why you like this guy,” he said, adding that perhaps Trump fans are drawn to him because he appears strong and has a record as a successful businessman and because of that, “He’s going to take all of the problems of the world and put them in a box and make your life better. That’s what he’s selling.”

“Here’s what you’re buying,” he went on. “He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesn’t represent my party. He doesn’t represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for.”

“He’s the ISIL Man of the Year,” said Graham. “The enemy will use that rhetoric against us” to recruit members into radical Islamic extremism.

To “win this war” against extremists, Graham said, the U.S. and the west must persuade young Muslims to reject radicalism, not punish millions of people for their faith.

“And do you know how you make America great again?” he concluded. “You tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”   From David Ferguson.

It might not be an issue, in February when you are reading this, he may have imploded, exploded, or may no longer be a factor. (Touch wood; not that I'm superstitious or anything).   Just in case though, think very long, and very hard about supporting him.  Tell the Trump to go to hell.  His America is not our America.

As always thanks.

See you tomorrow.

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