Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Seasonal Blues or something more?

Rough night last night, not only did Elvis (the big, white dog) wake me up at 4 am, but also upon return to the land of nod I had a dream that affected me more than any dream I can remember.  In it, I was pursued by something, I can't remember what it may have been.  I finally caught it and killed it by crushing it's throat, just as it morphed into Big, white dog.  Needless to say this affected me deeply.  I think I understand the symbology of the images, it still saddened me to the point of tears though.  Even as I write this I can still feel that saddness and grief from this morning.

Sadness most of the day nearly every day-not so much.
Loss of energy-Check.
Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness-No.
Loss of enjoyment from things that were once pleasurable-Check
Difficulty concentrating-Always; ADD issues.
Uncontrollable crying-Only briefly this morning.
Difficulty making decisions-Nope.
Irritability-Always, more so lately though.
Increased need for sleep-Double check.
Insomnia or inability to sleep-Check, always.
Unexplained aches and pains-They are not particularly unexplained.
Stomach ache and digestive problems-Hmmm, maybe.
A change in appetite causing weight gain-Change of appetite, yes.  Weight gain, maybe a little
Thoughts of death or suicide-Obviously, by the dream.
Attempting suicide-No.

I guess it's time for me to admit to myself and to my doctor that I have some depression issues.  I'll be seeing her soon.

Thanks, as always for sticking around.

See you tomorrow.

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