Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How did this happen?

Two months ago (your time not mine) I had previously posted fifty-four entries and now, as of this writing, there are twenty-eight posts in the pipeline.

Think about that a minute.  I started this fiasco on June 15th, 2011.  In four and a half years I've blogged fifty-four entries.  Today, marks exactly three weeks since I've rebooted Midnight Ramblings.  In those three weeks I've written 50% more entries than in the past four and a half years.  Gobsmacked.  Absolutely, 100% amazed, astounded, confused and confounded.  This is actually the second post I've written today, and it's only mid-afternoon.  Who knows what else is in store for today, there is still a hockey game on this evening.  The Blues are in Buffalo. Yay rubber-disk sports thing.
(For The Win).

The funny thing is, I don't see an end in sight yet, boredom, ADD, maliase, or the general meh  feeling I often find creeping into my life aren't present yet, wait, never mind, there they are.  

Not really.  But you suspected that didn't you?

Whoo-de-hooo I'm either ill or on a roll.  At this pace, I'll have another fifty-three in the queue ready to go.  That means at least four months of Monday through Friday offerings for your parakeets to poop on.  Go budgerigars!  

I guess these truly are the ramblings of a village idiot...

As always.  Thanks for sticking around.

See you tomorrow...

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