Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sleep, who needs it?

5:00 am.  The big white dog (Elvis, if you are not paying attention) decided he needed wanted to go outside.  It was probably the neighbor lady.  So, after less than two hours of my precious sleep he woke me for a discussion.  I knew exactly what was on his mind.  Therefore, I was disinclined to acquiesce to his request.

5:10 am.  Big white dog, (it's still Elvis),  reaffirmed his desire to visit the neighbor lady, who by this time has either left on her walk or returned and gone back inside. Either way, she wasn't out there.  
"No, you are not going outside.  Get back in your chair and lie down."

5:15 am. Elvis tries another track.  "Please, I really need to go outside, I have to pee." 
Yeah, right.  Dood, I might have been born at night, but it certainly wasn't last night.   
"No, you are still not going outside.  Get back up there and lie down."

5:25 am.  Still another attempt to outwit me.  "We've got to hurry, she's going to be gone.  I have to make sure she's alright."  By this time, I know I'm done trying to get back to sleep.  I did give it one last college try though.  
"No  Go lie down."
It worked this time, he curled up next my bed, and cried.  Jeez Louise.  You'd think he was dying or something.

5:45 am.  I have now entirely given up the thought of sleep.  I got up, let the bmutt-head out.  I bet you can't guess where he went?  Yep, right to the spot where he greets the neighbor, sat down and waited patiently for her to return.  For cryin' outloud, I have doggie treats here.  If you weren't such an ass about it I would have given you at least one.  After about 5 minutes I went out to get him back inside. Had the weather been warmer I would have left the door open for him to return inside when he was ready.      

Now, to the couch, to try to catch a few nap time Zzzzzz.  So much for rest, recuperation and recharging.  It's not like I have to spend any of my precious introverted energy on a family get together for Thanksgiving or a Sunday gaming session.

Sleep is overrated, I suppose I can sleep when I'm dead.  Sleep, who needs it?

See you tomorrow...

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