Wednesday, February 10, 2016


"You have to respect my opinion."
/əˈpɪn yən/
1. A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. A personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. The formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion.
4. Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
5.  A judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
6. A favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him.

Actually, aside from opinions of the court I don't. I may respect your right to have an opinion, even if said opinion is idiotic, asinine, misinformed, uninformed, ignorant, totally baseless, unsupported by facts or empirical evidence, passed on through FOX news or internet memes and even if you heard it from a friend of a friend of someone who may know someone who might know your great-uncle's fourth cousin three times removed.

I very well may call you on your idiotic, asinine, misinformed, uninformed, ignorant, totally baseless,  unsupported by facts or empirical evidence opinions.  Vani, David Wolfe, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, creationists, science deniers, anti-GMO's, evangelicals, all Tea Partiers and most republicans...
  See you tomorrow...

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