Thursday, February 4, 2016

Techies, take note.

Alright you technological mavens, wizards and superstars.  I have a project for you.  Design a dream recorder.  Perhaps wireless and easy to use.  I want to be able to record for playback the sensory information of dreams.

Fragments and remnants of a dream from early this morning.

Parties and fun on a beach, perhaps Jamaica.  That much is pretty easy to analyze and decipher.  It does get a little more obscure.  Cut to a vibrant, third world country.  Chef, author and television personality Anthony Bourdain, an unnamed third person and I are sitting in a little al fresco cafe discussing, of all things, donkeys.  The conversation went a bit like this.

"Mr. Bourdain, do you know anything about donkeys?"  Asked the mystery man.

"Yes, I have a donkey.  Did you know that all donkeys are female?"  Anthony replied.

"Tony, you're wrong.  Donkeys are a separate species, including both fertile males and females.  Donkeys have 62 chromosomes, Horses have 64.  A mule is a mostly infertile hybrid cross of a horse and a donkey with 63 chromosomes.   Bred one way, male donkey and female horse will produce a mule.  Bred the other, a hinny.  A hinny is rarer."  I said.

"Wanna bet?  I've got a thousand dollars that says you're mistaken Chip."

"I'll take that bet Tony..."

Looking around on the street, remember, it's a third world country, I saw what I was looking for, a heavily laden donkey cart.  I offered the donkey's owner $100 dollars for what was on the cart.  Then, using the third world donkey cart unloading trick; I pointed to the animals underside.

"Anthony, you see that, what is it?"  I asked.

"Ummmm, it's a penis."

"Yep, a donkey dick.  Female donkeys are lacking in that department."

He gave me the grand, I gave the donkey's owner the hundred bucks and told him he could have his stuff back.  I even gave the donkey an apple for his trouble...

Aside from all the questions one has upon waking from a weird dream, just think of the porno market demand.  Although I probably shouldn't mention porn dreams and donkey's in the same post...

See you tomorrow...

Postscript.  Something about this entry has been niggling at my old, addled brain since I first wrote it a week or ten days ago.  It dawned on me , literally at dawn this morning in the twilight between sleep and not sleep.

Where did my old, addled subconscious brain come up with the number of chromosomes for horses, donkeys and mules?  Which raises another more intriguing question.  Why are those numbers CORRECT?  I know they are, I've just checked them.

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