Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I'mmm back...sorta...

Well, the Midnight Ramblings of the village idiot have officially restarted.  I wonder if I'll still be writing entries by the time this one goes up?  If I have managed to maintain my current pace I should have enough bird cage poop fodder to take me through to May 13.  Well, not me.  Aside from an electronic talking parrot my sister gave me for Christmas a few years back I don't have a bird.  I do happen to have a license to fly a couple of them.  They do get exercised from time to time, mainly flown at politicians, idiots and best friends.

Timey-wimey, wibbly wobbly...stuff.  Here in my part of the wastelands it's the very end of 2015 early 2016 and I'm writing about the middle of May for you to read in early March.

Obviously, I'm slacking, started this one in 2015 and going to finish it in 2016-knock on wood, (it's probably a good thing I'm not superstitious).  Luckily I have a safety net buffer of nearly two months already loaded in the hopper.   Though, if I don't get back on the treadmill, that buffer zone is going to get destroyed quickly.

Now, it's two days later and that buffer is slip sliding away. 
I've lost about a week or ten days of  daily entries.  Granted, that's only a week or so on the back end, the end where you are reading this drivel.  If you are reading this drivel in mid-March.  

Armed, white, right-wing conspiracy nutjob, anti-government separatist milita terrorists calling themselves Citizens for Constitutional Freedom have stormed a remote, and uninhabited visitor's center and gift shop in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge located in south-eastern Oregon.  They claim the will defend the buildings with their lives and possibly for years to come until they get their way, petulant little pissy-assed boys with a Rambo fantasy.  Now, reports are starting to come in that they have their children with them.  Hmmmm, using your children as human shields to try to stop the gubment jack-booted thugs from kicking in the door.  Sounds like terrorists to me.  Yet currently, they are identified as white protesters, not armed black thugs, or brown Muslim terrorists.  Call them what the are; seditious, treasonous, insurrectionists; Title 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES.

Aside from keeping an eye on the Bundy boys from a nearby watch tower and a little unobtrusive monitoring there has been very little, read that as almost NO response from local law enforcement or even the dreaded jack-booted gubment thugs.  

Secure the power, cut off the water, shoot out the windows of the visitor center, for a little more weather exposure, No one in, no one out and a little psyop warfare.  Nyan cat 24/7 at about 140 decibels should do the trick....

As always, thanks for your indulgence.

See you tomorrow.

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