Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wasteland NEWS.

From the news feed of my local ABC affiliate's Twitter account.

"Bible, driver survive after car bursts into flames."
(Story here)

Please note the headline, Bible first, and then the driver.  Really?  Slow news day in the wastelands?  Yes, I know; CNN Ireport doesn't necessarily count as reputable journalism and the event in question occurred in the Bible Belt City of Memphis, Tennessee.

From CNN's own FAQ

"Everything you see on iReport starts with someone in the CNN audience. Stories submitted to CNN iReport are not edited fact-checked or screened before they post. Only stories marked "CNN iReport" have been verified and cleared by CNN."

I don't dismiss the role of citizen journalist, from Aleppo to Zimbabwe they fill a vital role in the 'Free Press.'  As controlled, restricted or censored access to social media is in some parts of the world we are still often informed.  Blogs, vlogs, Twitter, even YouTube and Facebook can be powerful tools.  However, to coin a phrase; With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.

A driver surviving a fiery crash is news, unless the book is unique, rare or of extraordinary monetary or historical value it is not.  Sentimentality, religion, spirituality or divine intervention don't qualify.

As with many things in life; Just because you can, doesn't necessarily mean you should.

Obviously, this probably isn't the last entry.  Touch wood, (not that I'm superstitious or anything).

Thanks for sticking around.

See you tomorrow, maybe.

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