You should be enjoying the first hints of the spring season. Sunshine should be outweighing darkness these days for you. Here in the past of the wastelands it's the first of March, and it's 17 °C /30 °F colder here than it was during the first part of February. Three weeks until the vernal equinox here in this part of the northern hemisphere,
As I sit here enjoying the hockey game I've got 21 entries in the queue.
"Chip, what happened? You had a fifty entry head start."
Yes, I know. Nearly 50 fifty entries ready, and about 40 production days since the reboot means I should still have nearly 50 entries still ready. Amazing how that math works out ain't it?
In addition to lack of interest and motivation I'm facing a dearth of subject matter. I'm still avoiding most news outlets. Even my Twitterverse is somewhat muted these days. Depression, anxiety and blood pressure don't need the aggravation. I'm foundering here though. I've always craved information, I want to stay informed and up to date on current events. Knowledge is power. I hate being out of the loop.
Now, I just have to make
Due to other circumstances I haven't run the Serenity game for a month. It will be at least two more weeks before I GM it again and stick it to the players...again.
(Cue maniacal laughter).
It's not like it's a revenge, me versus them thing, it's a story telling thing. Conflict, antagonists and overcoming all odds in the attempt to be victorious in the end, perhaps at great personal sacrifices.
(Cue maniacal laughter again).
After playing hard in the first and taking a 3-1 lead into the third the Senators tied the game with 0.1 seconds left in the game. It took the Bluenotes 11 rounds in the travesty that is the NHL shootout to beat Ottawa. Argh, my blood pressure doesn't need the excitement.
It isn't much, but it's in the pipeline. As always, thanks for hanging around.
See you tomorrow.
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