Friday, April 15, 2016

First impressions?

Okay, I get it.  I'm a middle-aged Caucasian male, not only born in the wastelands of mid-America, but I continue to dwell here.  I get it.  I'm not hip enough, or young enough or cool enough.  But, (there's always a but isn't there?), a very large component to the first impression I take from an encounter is speech, how one uses one's words.  I may very well form a strong opinion, however, (see, no but here), it's not likely to be positive first impression if words such as these are our first encounter.

"The hate is real ctfuuu! 
(Cheer/cracking the fuck up.  I had to Google it.) 
Nobody even really kno me to throw shade in my direction! 
Never bothered by what nobody got to say bout me cuz imma real one! 
It's a given my name gonna b in ppl mouth? 
But how it taste? Good right!? Hahahaha"
(Direct quote, copied and pasted.)

I still get it, I'm not hip enough, or young enough or cool enough. but, (there's another of those buts again), to my ears this screams either certain level of illiteracy or just pure, unadulterated laziness.  I'm not a grammar nazi nerd, as evidenced by my use of words here in these pages. I hope at least I'm moderately well spoken, and present it to others.  Yes, improper usage of their, there, they're drive me up the proverbial wall.  Yes, language and the use of words are important to me.  They have been for as long as I can remember.  Grammar and punctuation, the difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you're shit.  One should know the difference between helping your friend Jack, off the horse and your friend jack off the horse.

"You never get a second chance
to make a first impression."

So, in answer to the question; "But how it taste?" I can safely say that your words have left an unpleasant taste in my mouth.  You might be a wonderful person.  but, (yeah, I know), STEEEE-rike ONE!  Oh-oh, I made a baseball analogy.  I don't like boring-assed baseball, you knew that right?

I have had this discussion with a niece when she was very much younger than she is today.  I'm proud of the way she uses her words today.  She too is well spoken.  I'm happy to have had a hand in teaching her to use her words.

Okay, rant switch to the O-F-F position.

Thanks for sticking around.

See you on Monday.  Peace.

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