Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tin foil hats.

I'm leaving this in the case I should happen to vanish quickly and unexpectedly.  It's not like they'll find this and censor it.  I'm not certain that my loyal following of a dozen readers is large enough to warrant intensive scrutiny.  After yesterday's research I'm probably on the Homeland Security watch list and may very well be on my way to Guantanamo, Cuba, again.  This time not as a guest.

In all transparency, I'm just living vicariously through my imagination.  In truth, I'm fleshing out the next scene (gaming session) in Act 2 of the Serenity game.  

In order to gauge the scale and severity of the upcoming catastrophe, my search history of the past two days, have included;

What are the effects of nerve agents?  
(In case of accidental exposure or emergency medical aid.   How will the lethal dose and the size of the crowds affect casualties.)

What is the most populous city on Earth?   
(To estimate the size of the Capital on the planet in question.  Tokyo-13.5million in the metropolis and 37.8 million, in the greater metropolitan area. 2015 estimates.)

What was the largest recorded gathering of humans in one place.  
(Again, to determine a sense of scale and the numbers I could expect to attend a very high profile, and very special commemoration.   (Kumbh Mela pilgrimage, India, 2013.  Believed to be the largest gathering on earth, Kumbh Mela is held every 12 years in northern India.  Estimates place the number of Hindu pilgrims who attended this festival at 30 million.)

What are the effects of a high altitude EMP on electronics.  
(To disrupt communications and degrade sensors performance to improve the bad guy's chance of success.)

Things are boiling to the point of over as another layer of the onion has been peeled back.  Some questions answered, more arising.   I have also told the players I planned to do to them what Fox did to Firefly.  Cut em off after one season.  I'm not certain they appreciated my humor.

*Note to all of the jack-boo...ummmm, diligent and hardworking Federal employees who are monitoring me.  As always, this is a joke, this is only a joke.  In the event of a real joke please tune to the emergency broadcast network for further joke information.   

As always thanks for coming. 

See you tomorrow, I hope.

***Note to Mr. Martin.  Cease and Desist.  Pay no attention to the nondescript sedan with the government license plates parked behind the nondescript white van sprouting multiple antennae.  Signed, your friendly neighborhood jack-boo...ummmm dog catchers.  Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket... Dog catchers.***

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