Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Nope, not gonna do it.

Spring has sprung here in this part of the wastelands.  Ushered in by the vernal equinox, sub-freezing temperatures and snow flurries.  Yep, must be Missouri.

In the four and a half years since creating this, whatever this is, blog, ramble, a whining, whinging drivel fest or a parakeet poop collector I had previously published 54 entries.  Since the January reboot mulligan I've posted 56 'new' entries. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!  Does that mean I can hang up my gloves now?  There are 18, counting this one, remaining as I write.  Well, 18 back in the timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly past.

I sat down with a fresh mug of strong black coffee, sucked it up (some of the java and most of the anxiety triggers that pass as news), turned on CNN and tried to find a topic for today.   I hadn't even set the remote down when Ashleigh Banfield said, "Joining me with why he believes Donald Trump should be President, Maricopa County sheriff, Joe Arpaio."  

"Nope, nope, nope,"

Thanks, but no thanks Ashleigh.  My blood pressure, anxiety and depression don't need the racism, hatred and fear that another stiff-legged barking dog will bring.


Ah; Chopin.  A much better choice.  

For sticking around, as always dzięki.

See you tomorrow, most likely.

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