Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Rekt I tell you.


I've let the buffer slip from fifty entries to twenty.  Y'all are catching up.  My avoidance of the news and politics have left this ship aground.

I Game Mastered the Serenity game yesterday.  There wasn't much in the way of 'Action' but we did advance the story.  The Players have escaped the noose that was being drawn around their necks and avoided a pair of Alliance boats trying to maintain a blockade until re-reinforcements can arrive on scene.  Now the four fugitives are lying low in a convenient hideout.  It does appear they have an ally, someone sent out a Verse wide wave of a "Preacher" man preaching plague and pestilence raining down on the innocent, and of a Judas claiming his 30 pieces of silver.  The prayer meeting was loaded with coded subliminal messages. 

I think they may not completely trust me... 

As a result of GM'ing the session and a decided lack of sleep on Saturday I was absolutely wrecked last night.  Tired, my back hurt (old football or war injury, I forget which.  Make something up, that's what I do), and I'd had a headache for most of the evening.  REKT I tell you, wunned ober by a twuk and all that.  I was in bed by 11:30,  which for me is about 4 hours early.  Got up once to get a drink and leave a previous glass of H2O in the loo.  Moved to the couch about 9 am, and finally up for coffee about noon.  Dayum, my body really must have needed the sleep.

I should have used the energy to get a blog entry or two into the mix, but I spent the afternoon doing something I had just told the players in the Serenity game I wouldn't be doing; writing rules.  Those rules will be the last ones I write, knock on wood (not that I'm superstitious).  The players and I all like the game mechanics, most of us are NOT particularly impressed with the way those rules are written.  Oh well, I guess writing rules is what I do.  Some of you may remember the 12 cu. foot storage bin footlocker with the nightmare that was the CHYPWORLD rules set...   What the hell was I thinking?  K.I.S.S.  Keep It Simple, Stupid.  I want simplicity now.

Holy crap, I got an entry done, make the count 21.  Well for now that is, the next one is scheduled to post in 45 minutes.

Thanks for letting me hang out with you.

See you tomorrow.

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