Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Move along, ain't nothin' here...

There are still twenty one entries in the queue, as I've started this one at 11pm wasteland time zone.  Which means if I hurry I can get another one in line just in time to keep the buffer zone padded.  I wouldn't hold my breath though.

As I mentioned in yesterday's entry I had an absolutely wonderful night of sleeping night before last.  And a crappy assed return to normal last night.  In bed at four, up at 7:30 to migrate to the couch and catnapped until 11 or so.

I've heard that the Gooper clown car has left a cubic butt ton of wannabes as desiccated road kill in its wake.  Evidently, only four remain now; the Chumpster, the Creepy one, the chat bot and the other one.   I'm considering casting my independent vote in the primary for a republican.  Probably not, I don't know if my blood pressure could take it.

So, how's the weather?  My vernal equinox is about two weeks away and yours is about two weeks in the past.  Personally I can't say I'm sad to see winter in the rear view mirror.

Without my news fix I'm just rambling.  Ummm, more so than is normal.  It ain't much, but I managed to keep the buffer stocked.   I may have to bite the bullet a couple of times a week in order to find something to ramble on about.   I suppose I could do television and film reviews, history lessons, or product reviews and endorsements.


See you tomorrow.

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