Friday, June 10, 2016

Crowding the deadline.

Oi, I'm in sooooo much trouble here.  It's now 9 p.m. and there is nothing to post at midnight.  three hours.  Ugh.

I'm too old for this nonsense.  Moving a 12,000 lb. refrigerator by myself in the heat and humidity of June in the wasteland.  I may be exaggerating the gross register tonnage a bit, but only just barely.  On the dolly, through two doors, into the yard, around the house, up the hill, around the house again, through the front door, because the damn thing won't fit through the door to the garage. Into the kitchen.  Whew, that part is done.  Are we done yet?  Nope, pull the old one out of place, load it on the dolly and traipse back through the house to the front door again, of course.  The damn thing won't fit through the door to the garage either.

A fifteen minute job 30 years ago, now took me all afternoon.  For a few reasons, one, I'm old and fat now, two it was 32° C / 90° F outside, yes, the same outside I had to traipse through, pulling a 12,000 lb. fridge up a 75° slope that was covered in 3' of snow...uphill both ways.  Eight miles...  Finally, my  depression and anxiety issues are exacerbated by frustration, and anger.  I had to take a few breaks to cool off, both literally and figuratively as well.  It's done, now I can set back and enjoy the dinner my little sister brought me.  Ummm food, food is good, no food, no good.

HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER!!! That SONIC double cheeseburger would feed a Syrian refugee camp for a week.  I can't believe I ate the whole thing.  I ate it, Ralph.  Hence the fat remark made earlier.  I should be a competitive eater.

His mom must be sooooo proud.

I've said it before, I'm likely to say it again.  Just because you can, doesn't necessarily mean you should.. Ugh.

S'cuse me, I got to waddle over yonder and take my shoes off...

Thanks for coming.  At least I've written some more timely drivel...
See you on Monday.  Peace...

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