Thursday, June 9, 2016

She said, he said.

I'm not saying it is, or it isn't sexism, just that I see a double standard in generalizations.

Men are better drivers.  Women are smarter, and therefore always right when engaged in discussion (argument) with their significant others.  Men objectify women, women swoon and squee over construction workers, guys in kilts, TV and film actors, men.  Is there a difference?  A man robs the cradle, a woman is a cougar with a boy toy.

Women are the weaker sex, soft, delicate creatures needing to be protected and looked after.  Manly men, men, men, men are the alpha protectors of the clan.  men can't cook, women can't fight.  Yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.  

There is a advertisement I see on television on occasion.  In it, a young couple are talking about their perfect driving records.  Perfect until one of them (the man), clips a food truck, spoiling their perfect record.  The implication in the actor's mannerisms, actions and words are blame, incompetence, and  submission to the woman who assumes she is in the right.  

Where lies the difference between a woman being judged by her appearance, and a man being considered a buffoon because he is a man?  

Women can't fight.  Tell that to Rhonda Rousey.  Women can't be in combat roles in the military.  Tell that to Maj. Lisa Jaster, USAR; Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver, US Army who became the first women to complete Ranger Training.  Women can't drive, tell that to Sabine Schmitz who drove a Van around the Green Hell of  the Nürburgring in about 10 minutes, 12 miles in 10 minutes, average speed, 72 mph.  In a Ford van with 136 hp.

Ladies, you ROCK!  For all you do, Fighter pilots, video game design, racing, science and engineering thingys, art.  Haters gonna hate, but I'm happy to say "You da Man!"  Rock the world girls.

Sixteen posts to get a full six-months out of the Ramble.  Provided of course, I find better entries than that cheaty thing yesterday.

As always, Thanks...

See you tomorrow.

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