Thursday, June 2, 2016

More ugh, again...

I think the weather here in the wasteland is about to change.  I scored a 17 out of 20 on the daily ritual of analyzing.  Right foot, check.  Left foot, yep.  Right ankle, yes.  Left ankle, nope.   Right knee... always.  Twelve major joints, four extremities and four spots along the spine.  Arthritis sucks.  Torn rotator cuffs suck.  A wonky back and a blown out medial meniscus cartilage that resulted in the surgical removal of most, if not all of it hasn't helped; hence the right knee.  For several years following the surgery it was a reliable predictor of a change in humidity and barometric pressure. 

"Chip, I'm thinking about having a party Saturday.  Is it going to rain?"

Flexes knee, ponders..."Nah, I think you're good.  Need me to bring anything?"

"Ummm, dude... You aren't invited...."

The knee isn't so reliable these days as age, weight, further abuse in the form of bicycle wrecks, bazillions of concrete stairs, a few falls and general misuse have rendered it useless as a weather predictor, (see above).

Now, it's several hours later, and guess what; it's raining buckets.  Ugh.

It's not much, it's done, and I'm still here.  Mostly.  Aspercreme and Tylenol time.  There's still at least one more entry to come.  What will next week bring?  Who knows.

Thanks, as always.

See you tomorrow. 

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