Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tally ho squared, part deux

If you know me, or are a regular reader you probably know I dig airplanes and aviation.  I should have been a pilot, however, time, finances, and crappy assed eyes combined to make the idea unfeasible.   Instead I got part of my fix sated with board games like Avalon Hill's "Richthofen's War", TSR's "Dawn Patrol",  Flying Buffalo's "Ace of Aces".  J.D. Webster's "Airpower" and "Fighting Wings"  are excellent flight sim board games.  I don't have much experience with Ares Games "Wings of Glory" series, I'll reserve judgement on that one.  I've even been a part of writing a WWI air combat, never published, rule set.  We spent a couple of days visiting every Walmart and toy store in the area in search of a specific pack(s) of MicroMachines.  Then another couple of days Kitbashing, painting, and repainting the models until we had a good selection of semi-passable vintage planes to use as miniatures.  These only fulfilled a small fraction of my urge.

Hi, I'm Chip and I'm an addict.  I've got literally thousands of hours of stick and rudder time, sitting here at my desk where no one is at risk due to my crappy-assed, and now old eyes.  Yep, I'm a flight simmer. or have been in the past.

Psion Software Flight Sim. Circa 1982.
The Timex/Sinclair 2000.  This would have been my first foray into the land of make-believe pilot.  It's a wonder I didn't say screw it and disavow the habit then.  The graphics were abysmal. the flight engine was atrocious.  Yet, I kept coming back to flight sims.

I have no idea how many times I played Dynamix's Red Baron 3d.  Or how many "kills" I have in any combat simulator, it's at least 5, I'm a flight sim ace.  He says facetiously.
(It's a lot more.)

However, combat flight sims aren't the top of my list, neither is the "Virtual Airline" route.  I like, low and slow, flying by the seat of my pants in vintage aircraft, and at times is really crappy weather, you could read that as INSANE.  Low ceilings, rain, gusty, nasty winds, icing.  It's a good thing that I'm flying a desk.  I'm a lot less likely to buy the farm and kill people from here.

This brings us full circle with another fine segue.  The good news:I've managed to keep the Midnight Ramble from crashing for at least one more day.  The bad news, however.  When this one goes live on Wednesday morning, it will be the last one in the queue.  Our timelines will then be synchronized.  There is one draft and a few ideas remaining.  That is if I can coax anything out of them.  It's been fun.  We'll see what tomorrow brings. 

As always, please insure your tray tables and seat backs are in the fully upright and locked position.  Thanks for flying with Ramble air...

See you later.

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