Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Show Must Go On.

Such as it is, another entry.  Twelve to go to make six months, and twenty-one additional posts to get me through July.  No hockey to dwell on until October.  Two and a half months of lead time squandered, pissed away by apathy, laziness, lack of interest or motivation.  Now, instead of the safety of a buffer zone I'm writing this one about 8 hours before it goes to print.  Don't stop the presses.

The events of Sunday have affected me profoundly.  The depression and anxiety issues that have surfaced later in my life boiled over yesterday.  I was both angry and saddened.  I suppose I should consider myself lucky, those issues weren't issues on Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001.  I'm certain it would have been an even more extreme day.

Things are better today, mostly.  The angry, orange troll keeps trolling, becoming angrier, trying to stir up even more fear, anger, hatred and divisiveness.

"Do you want four MORE years of Obama?  Do you want a 7-2 Liberal Majority in the Supreme Court?"

Why yes Donny, I'll take eight more as opposed to one FUCKING DAY with you.  Might even be convinced to sign on for twelve.

I cannot vote with my vagina, d'uh, wrong plumbing.  But Girls, Gurls, Grrls, Women, Womyn, Ladies, those of feminine genders and those of feminine persuasion, I will vote for yours and to keep the noses of rich white men out of them, unless of course, it's a mutual thing.

It wasn't much, but it ain't over yet.  Maybe tomorrow though.  Who knows?

As always, thanks for coming.  The show must go on...

See you in the future, maybe, probably???

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