Monday, June 13, 2016

Heavy heart.

After the near disasters of close calls last week and only 14 to go before I hit that magic six-month mark, I thought I could get a couple of entries ready and get a jump start on next week.  Then I slacked off completely on Friday.  Yesterday, I mostly slacked off, only writing one short paragraph, which on Sunday I promptly deleted.

Today, Sunday, June 11th, 2016.  Outraged and saddened I published a short entry.  I have nothing left to post at Midnight.  Nothing, save this.  I don't feel like trying to be funny, or thoughtful, or poignant.  I don't feel like posting an angry, railing diatribe.  I feel nothing but a great sadness today. 

This may very well be the end of the Ramble.  


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