Monday, June 6, 2016

Unbroken string continues.

Saturday in the wasteland and I'm out gaming all day tomorrow.  Meaning if i don't put the proverbial pen to paper and write an entry the unbroken string will no longer be unbroken.  There is nothing in the queue to publish at midnight tomorrow night for a Monday morning post. I had wanted to get at least two, perhaps three loaded to get a jump on next week.  The best laid plans of mice and men and all.

Instead, I spent all day working on the Wardens of the Realm campaign that restarts tomorrow.  I fully expect at least one fatality in the Royal First Dragoons as they get hit with four mean nasties, in a coordinated divide and conquer attack.   I might even throw in a another as a 'Boss fight" once I have them softened up.  I've said before in gaming related driveling, it's not a me versus them thing, it's a story driven thing.  If you sit at my table and don't have a strong sense of your character's mortality you'll probably be creating a new character soon.  Don't do stupid shit, fight intelligently.  If you make a habit of kicking in the door and attacking the biggest, baddest thing in the room don't be surprised if it bites back.

Things should heat up this season for the Wardens, perhaps they been invited to attend Cornelia's Midsummer Court.  Perhaps, they'll be summoned to appear, perhaps they will be neck deep in a war.  Perhaps they be dead, thus sealing the fate of Terre du Nord...

Eighteen posts remaining to make it six months.  I really need to get motivated and off my arse to get the buffer zone refilled.


See you tomorrow, one way of a BIG THE END or another.

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