Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Well, this is it.  Our timelines are synchronized.  June 6th, 2016.  If I don't find enough words to make a driveling ramble in the next nine hours or so, there won't be an entry at midnight and this current reboot/relaunch/mulligan/do over thingy will come to an abrupt stop.  I almost fell back into aviation related similes, metaphors and allegories.  You know, crash and burn, augur in and buy the farm.  But I resisted the temptation.  Well, mostly that is.

I restarted the Wardens of the Realm campaign yesterday.  The Royal First Wardens have survived the long cold winter on the northern frontier.  Some even prospered, hehe, with at least one child conceived during the down time.

Not mean and nasty enough...
The four mean nasties I had planned for an encounter succeeded in separating and dividing the Wardens and then quite promptly failed to provide much, read that as ANY challenge, as one fell to an extremely harsh fumbled attack and another to a extremely brutal critical hit.  The remaining two chose to fight another time.  Ugh, I suppose I need to up the ante bringing more and tougher opponents to the table.  No, it isn't D&D in any of its iterations, it is however a fantasy environment, and yes, the four mean nasties were Umberhulks.  Though, to my ear the h is silent.  Umber-ulk.

I use a modified version of Green Ronin Publishing's AGE Stunt and Fumble Criticals which allows Players, NPC's and creatures to "Roll their own" Stunts, choosing from an  à la carte menu.  At the extreme ends, the high and low on the die roll indicate harsh and brutal results, up to and including instant death.   So much for that challenge...  Ugh.

Just wait boys, (shakes fist) Imma uppin' ma game. 

Now, if I can't find more words to ramble about, I fear I'll be in the same position tomorrow.  ugh squared, to the ugliest...Thanks.

See you when I see you.  Yes, I know, "Thanks for the warning, and not if you see me first..".

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