Friday, August 5, 2016

I think not.

I thought about calling in sick for this one, taking a mental health day for a long weekend.  Then, this caught my eye.

Reset my WHAT???

Are you clinically insane?  I'm not certain there is enough touchy-feeling goodness in the multiverse, let alone bail money to convince me to chase that folly.  That nonsense would be detrimental to my mental well-being, and the physical well being of any person, place or thing that crossed me, hence the need for bail.

I don't drink more coffee than I ever have, don't drink any less either.  I'm not a specialty, half caff, mocha latte cinnamon swirl pumpkin spice triple espresso type of guy, well, except the triple espresso thing or maybe with a shot of something pleasant to kick it up a notch.  No, not butter, blech.

I like my coffee like I like my....

...wait for it....  Stout, strong and dark. 

Bet you thought I was going to make one of those sexist coffee jokes.  You know the kind, I like my coffee the way I like women.

...Rich, full bodied, and full of flavor, or strong, black and naked, or even hot, sweet and blonde.

Good thing I didn't make those jokes...

Thanks for coming along.  Imma gonna get me another cup pot before quitting time.

See you on Monday, maybe...

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