Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ho hum...yawn...Zzzzzz

So, as result of having a lazy day still basking in the success of Monday's post, as well as an extended nap or two it's now three hours before this one is supposed to publish.

Wait, that sounds familiar, I think I may be repeating myself.  So, you guys like, um...stuff?

After eight years this nonsense is still around.  Idiot birther conspiracy. 
Really, Corey?  Eight years bro, lay off the Tea Party Kool-aid dude.  LET IT GO!  We have all seen the birth certificate.

We're back to that whole XXII Amendment thing again. 
Damn, I am repeating myself.

There is hope, some prominent Republicans are backing away from the flatulent, orange buffoon, Dems want a mental health evaluation for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).   The RNC says they will stand behind the angry, orange orangutan, (apologies to any of my simian friends who may be reading this), although rumors are starting to circulate about a back-up plan.  

At this point I don't know if the DNC needs to do anything other than focus on the next four years.  Trump/Pence, and the RNC seem to be doing their best to implode.  Not that I'd mind.  This incarnation of the Grand Old Party needs to sign a Do Not Resuscitate order and go quietly into the long night.  

Alright, it is what it is.  Thanks for coming.
See you tomorrow.

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