Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Play the Five Tones.

Oh oh.  I'm beginning to think the END is nigh.  I'm really slacking on this thing.

The Bluenotes host San Jose Sharks tonight.  Yes, I plan on watching, probably not with super intensity, as I have a couple bunch of other projects in the blender;  the Serenity game, the Wardens of the Realm game, blog entries, a short story or two that need my attention, and a nap or three to partake in.  Ah the joys of adult ADD.

The other sharks are beginning to circle, (nice segue eh?) and spit the little fish out.  Mike "Fire and Brimstone" Huckabee, Rick "Google me" (don't do it, you'll regret it) Santorum, Rand "Peace through Superior Firepower" Paul, and Martin "Who?" O'Malley have all tossed in the towels.  Teddy "Creepy" Cruz and Donny "Angry Chump" Trump are ready to throw down with sabres at dawn.  Ben "It's not brain surgery" Carson went home to change clothes.  Chris "Yo, you gonna eat that?" Christie is picking on Marco "Bubble boy" Rubio,  Carly and Kasich are hanging on the fringes and not doing anything to earn nicknames, the Shrubbery MkII is in dire need of watering.

I'm ready to pack my bags and start building a model of Devil's Tower.

I wonder if Richard Dreyfuss and friends have room?  I can be ready in 10 minutes.

See you tomorrow.


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