Evidently, I'm subconsciously trying to pack in the reboot of Midnight Ramblings. At the first of the year on its relaunch I had a nearly 50 entry head start on the new year. I'm now down to 39 posts scheduled, 3 drafts in production and about a dozen digital sticky notes on the desktop with random thoughts. I'm still plugging along, sorta, kinda, mostly...
In keeping with the general theme of Midnight Ramblings, there is a whole lotta not much here today. More obtuse and inane rambling randomness.
-4° c / 25° f, snow covering the ground and poor, sad, confused robin is still out there. Desperately wondering how he screwed up his calendar this badly. Yes, yes, I know. The early bird catches the worm. However, the worm is frozen and the girls haven't made it to the club yet.
This issue is actually a two-day (at least) project, as I add or edit as time and mood allow. It's not like I don't have time, just that I don't want to devote it to this. This past weekend, (8 weeks ago), was spent in an activity that I don't partake in much these days. That of course is television. Yesterday, (your yesterday, not mine) I wrote about watching Zulu. Since then I've spent the weekend (that would be my weekend and not yours) watching more television than I normally do in a month. One would think given my personality and preferences shows like Game of Thrones, Black Sails and the short-lived Bastard Executioner would be tops on my viewing list. They weren't. The older I get, the more television and film have to hit me in the head with a club and drag me into the cave before my attention wanes. Game of Thrones, Black Sails and The Bastard Executioner failed in that regard. I tried, I gave them a couple of shots apiece. Wasn't interested. Nearly the same can be said about the latest season of Doctor Who. Peter Capaldi is good in the lead, but I've grown increasingly weary of Jenna Coleman's Clara. I'm a fan, not a rabid, die hard Whovian Whooligan type fan as I only started to get involved with the show's revival in 2005 and the 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. With the prior versions, lack of interest, timing, scheduling and availability scuttled any previous Doctors. I've watched a few episodes of this past season, the rest are on the DVR waiting.
It should come as no surprise that I like Science fiction. D'uh. A fan of Scifi...not necessarily a fan of the SYFY channel. I did watch all of Sanctuary and Stargate Universe. Some of Haven and Warehouse 13. I enjoyed most of the Battlestar Galactica reboot; Most meaning not the ending. Babylon Five was good, and as short lived as it was, Firefly was good western, with a little science fiction laid in for flavor, Even parts of every Star Trek series had their moments.
I'm still not a fan of SYFY, I refer to it as sigh fy; but several people recommended I should give 'The Expanse" a shot. I did, and binged 6 episodes yesterday. I'm enjoying it, and it has managed to attract and hold my attention. I don't know the story as I haven't read the books. It's not space opera, and close enough to hard science fiction to be appealing to me. Dark and gritty. I dig dark and gritty at times.
I've just read that SYFY has renewed it for a second season. We'll see how that goes.
Thanks for coming, Peace, Live Long and good Sci fi...
See you on Monday.
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