Friday, June 17, 2016

Coming in on a wing and a prayer.

I might just make it through to the airfield, weekend.
Yes, I know.  Aviation and atheism.  Yada, yada, blah, blah, blah...
Still. Do. Not. Care.

128 consecutive posts, in a row no less.  It looks like I made it through this week.  I've got a couple of days to get at least one Ramble ready for the next one.  Best laid plans of mice and men and all that.

When I started this entry I had soft piano music playing, (you know, supposed to be good for focus and concentration), that is until I posted the video.  Now, the big band and swing mood has hit.  It often does as it is one of my favorite genres and has been for a very long time.  I'm not sure why though.  I'm not of that "certain" generation.  My parents are of that generation, it's not music they listened to as I was growing up.  Mom, did go through a nostalgia phase several years ago and got hooked on the old time radio dramas and as a side-effect/by-product the music as well.   Her foray into the the past didn't affect mine, I had already been snagged, hook, line and sinker.  It probably started with one of the greats, Glenn Miller.  Hasn't stopped yet.  I would have been one swingin' zoot suit wearing hepcat, digging the jive, cuttin' the rug with my favorite dame, a real hot Tomato.  (Any volunteers?)  Who am I kidding?  I've got two left feet.  Even the bartenders are worried about their toes when I set foot on a dance floor.  Oh well, I can tap my feet, bob my head and snap to the 8 bar beat. 

When I started this entry, wow, that sounds familiar, I had planned a completely different Ramble.   This one took a wrong turn at Alberkwerky.  That's okay, I can save it for another time.

Have a jumpin' at the Savoy weekend.  Thanks for coming.

 See you on Monday.  Peace.

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