Thursday, June 16, 2016

Running on Empty...

Ten posts to go to make it six months. 

"Yeah, good luck with that." He said, as he furiously tries to come up with drivel to post at midnight, (past for you, future for me. though only just).  It's nearly 6 pm in the wasteland, and as Buster might sing;

It's not even summertime yet.

The Wasteland Weather Service has issued a heat advisory which is in effect for Thursday. 

* Timing... heat index values are expected to rise to around 40°C / 105°F on Thursday afternoon and continue into the early evening hours. 

* Impacts... the combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will likely lead to an increased risk of heat-related stress and illness.  Heat stress is cumulative and this will be the fourth of at least 5 days with heat index values above 37°C / 100°F.  The very Young, the elderly, those without air conditioning, and the clinically insane who are participating in strenuous outdoor activities will be the most susceptible.  Also, car interiors can reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.  Precautionary/preparedness actions:  A heat advisory means that a period of hot temperatures and high humidity will occur.  This combination will create a situation in which heat-related illnesses are possible, especially for those living in un-air conditioned (Really, Un-air?) homes or apartments.  People in the advisory area are advised to avoid poorly ventilated areas and prolonged  ANY work in the sun.  Also, keep plenty of liquids on hand and try to stay in an air conditioned environment.   To reduce risk during outdoor work; the Wasteland occupational safety and health administration recommends not working in an outdoor environment.  

Record Report
Issued: 3:38 PM CDT Jun. 15, 2016 – Wasteland Weather Service

...Record high temperature set at the Wasteland Regional Airport...

A record high temperature of 37°C /98° F was set at the Wasteland Regional Airport yesterday.
This surpasses the previous record of 35°C / 96°F set in 1913, 1918 and 1952.
(That would be CE, not WTZ .  Subtract 100 years for the wasteland conversion values.)
Yay us.  And it's still not even summertime yet.

There appears to be one advantage of livin' on the edge and letting the safety net expire, I'm a lot less likely to slack off for a day, or a week or two. 

The Down side, you get more driveling nonsense like this. 

As always, Thanks.  Be cool fools...
See you anon...

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