Sunday, June 19, 2016

I'll do it...later...

Chip. you're an idiot.

This is so not filler, really...
I took yesterday, (Friday), off and didn't write an entry.  Now, it's late Saturday afternoon, (amazing how that works out eh?), and I still haven't put anything together.  I'm out gaming tomorrow, Sunday, (pretty amazing how that works out too ain't it?).  Unless I get off my arse and get busy sometime in the twenty-some odd hours there will be nothing to post at 11:59 tomorrow night.  Ugh.  So much for using my time wisely.   I can safely say I have NEVER been accused of using my time wisely.  It's not like it's a time management thing.  Well, maybe.  Plus a bit of laziness, a lack of motivation and a cubic butt-ton of procrastination.

Between this thing, getting a game ready to run tomorrow, (the players are going to hate me.  If I don't survive the experience tell my dog I love him.) and being in desperate need of a nap I'm kinda pushing the envelope of time.  Oh, and I probably need to eat a few times and do a couple of loads of laundry before 2pm tomorrow.

Ugh, I know I've said it before, the next week may actually be the death of the Ramble.  Doctor's appointment on Tuesday,  Satellite TV installation on Thursday.  double ugh.  That is assuming of course that I don't find myself in a padded room Tuesday evening...

There's never enough time to not do anything. 

My mother once said my dad and I would tie for the title of World's Greatest Procrastinator.  Maybe, but both he and I would shrug off the competition, saying something along the lines of "to hell with it."

I'll tell you more about it some other time.  Thanks.

See you tomorrow, meh...

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