Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Want an apple Tom?

I wonder how much nonsense I have to type in order for me to feel I'm not cheating?

Is this enough? 

Umm, nope.  I guess that means I have to give it the old college try.  Win one for the Gipper and all that.  Ugh, me and my bright ideas, restarting the Ramble, trying to make daily posts. one hundred and thirty-one down, seven to go for six consecutive months.  Wot the hell was I thinking?  Two hundred and thirty-two days since I mulliganed the reboot.  Six and a half score of inane, insane, rambling, ranting, whining, whingin', complaining, excrement collection lining for the protective enclosures of Melopsittacus undulatus.     

Don't, just don't.  Once seen, some things can never be unseen. 
But your curiosity has been piqued now, hasn't it?  

It's a really tough job to do right,  I'm not certain  you have the skills required. However, should you give me an apple, I might just let you try your hand at painting Aunt Polly's fence.

So, how's that canned chicken taste now?

I know,  "Eww! Gross. Why would you do that to us?"  To be fair, I did warn you. 

I know, I know.  "Dood, you ain't right in the head." or "Whoa! you're ate up.  What is wrong with you?  Were you dropped on your head as a child?"

Well, yeah.  A few times, and a few more as an adult...

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!  Cheater code avoided...

Thanks, as always.

See you tomorrow, probably.

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