Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Not this day.

Day 121.  Still no relief in sight.  The blog wolves are outside my meager defenses, circling, probing for the one weakness that will allow them to bring down the Ramble.  I must remain diligent, one misstep and they will overrun me.  I drove them away last night, they'll return tonight.  They mostly come at night...mostly.

One by one my defenses fell to their onslaught.  Now, naught but one remain, if it is to withstand the night it requires my attention.

I know, cheating.  Yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.  My blog, my rules.

As always, especially for ones like these.  THANKS!!!

See you tomorrow.  that is if the wolves don't bite me in the ass.

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