Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Addicted to drivel.

1:30 in the am on Sunday, 27°C/80°F and the humidity is 90%.  Next week brings more of the same.  Excessive heat warnings, with high temps and humidity producing heat indices of, yeah, these numbers are right, 45° C/112°F.  Even the big white dog, (None other than the E-dawg, Elvis, in case you are wondering), who normally loves being outdoors, looks at me like I'm crazy, (the jury is still out on that verdict), when I offer to let him go out. 

Are we having fun yet?

I know, I thought I quit too and left my gloves in the center of the ring.  Evidently I'm still getting something from trying to post entries.  How long will it be before I start whinging about deadlines, or not having anything to say, or not wanting to do these at all?  Probably before the week is out.  It's more likely that it will be before this one gets put to bed.

Two butts to the tun. 
It's not like I don't have a butt or maybe a tun of other things to do; naps, food, the Wardens game, naps, more food, the Serenity game, a short story or two and a novel that need my attention, a snack, another nap, a dog to bathe, campaign notes for both Serenity and Wardens, minions to recruit, an evil, mad scientist's lair to construct, a plan to conquer the universe to devise, a couple of snacks, and, did I mention naps?  Oh, and the Iron Man triathlon to train for.  Yep, the only thing keeping me from that, it's a bloody damn sauna out there.

We won't even mention the fact I'm an old fat guy who doesn't run, EVAH!!!

So, you guys like stuff?

As always, Thanks for coming.  I'll be here all week with an extra show on Sunday.  Don't forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses... ...over.

Look ma no whingin' about deadlines, or not having anything to say, or not wanting to do these at all.

See you tomorrow.

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