Wednesday, July 27, 2016

October yet?

Sunday afternoon in the wastelands and the heat index is 44°c/111°f.  Fortunately, it's a dry heat, the humidity is only 59%.   The calendar says there are still two months of summer left.  I don't think we'll get off that easily.  We might start feeling a significant change in the weather in 80 days when the NHL starts up again.

Yeah, yeah.  I know, that's three months away.  It summer,  time for America's passtime, peanuts and crackerjacks, $28.50 for a hot dog and a beer.  It's root, root, root for whatever team floats your boat or trips your trigger.  Yay bazeball.  Where you can earn a week off for being a petulant little prima donna brat who cut up his jersey because he didn't want to wear the ugly as sin throwback tribute.

Yeah, yeah. I know.  There are two football seasons and the Olympics between here and then as well.

Yes, and still more politics, and sickening, saddening, rage-inducing bad news, not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive.   

Oh, and its also a year for these noisy bastards here in the wastelands.
Not to scale,  They're bigger.

Blah, blah, yada, yada, yada.  Still.  Do.  Not.  Care.

At least I'm not crying about deadlines.  Or bitching about the weather.  Well, cold weather that is.

Thanks for coming, even for a short, (that's what she said), quickie like this.  Was it good for you too?


See you tomorrow.

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