Friday, July 29, 2016


I think the weather is about to change.  It's either going to get hotter, which we don't need, or it's likely to rain, which we do need.  I scored 18 of 20 on my daily ritual of analyzing.  it's an Aspercreme and Tylenol type of afternoon.  I hate the way my body works sometimes.

The thought of the day is one of those that comes on the cusp of sleep and not sleep, that gray area of foggy, groggy twilight.  This one, I can't explain, I have no rhyme or reason, rational or not.  I cannot conceive any way it could be used nor why my brain decided to produce a whiskey tango foxtrot DAFUQ moment.

Can anyone enlighten me on the meaning of the phrase;

"Canadians on the half shell."
The only, and it's a huge stretch, remotely plausible explanation I can come up with would be that, like the reputed aphrodisiac qualities of raw oysters I find the same qualities in a certain percentage of Canadians in the 'raw'.  Well, d'uh. I find those qualities in a certain percentage of all humankind  regardless of nationality.  I hate the way my brain works sometimes.

...And the rains came.  Felt it before I smelt it.  Inhaled the welcome aroma of petrichor before I confirmed it. 

Hmmm, might be time for a nap.

As always, thanks for playing along.
See you on Monday, I presume.  Peace...

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