Monday, August 1, 2016

Fun with Words.

If you haven't yet noticed, I like to play games with words.  Not word games per se; crosswords rarely hold my attention long enough to get through the across clues once.  Find-a-word, ugh hate em.  Scrabble. I can take or leave, preferably leave.   I did have a letter tile, Scrabblesque type app on the pc for a while. it tracked your longest scoring word and the best scoring one.  I assumed I had won the game when those two words, in the same game were; "TRUSTY URINAL". Never on a first name basis with them, but nearly every time I needed one I could find one.  That's trusty enough for me.

Does a proctologist in performing his specialty analyze or does he have anal eyes?  In attending an important business meeting does one use social eyes, does he tell social lies, or perhaps it's just a chance to socialize?

Real eyes, real lies or realize?  Is looking inward internal eyes?  Marty Feldman had un-stable eyes?

Look into those special eyes and tell emotional lies?

My ideal eyes would have been a striking shade of blue.  Sadly, it was unreal eyes, and I just got humanized.

We won't go into how long a friend and I sat in a little pub playing with variations of "My clone sleeps alone."  The only rule; the sentence or phrase had to contain at least two 'own' sounds.

I'm not particularly skilled at palindromes, The best I can come up with would be wow.  A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.

Puns are fun too.  An archeologist's career lies in ruins, a farmer is outstanding in his fields, I would have been a doctor but I didn't have the patients.  You do know what a pun spelled backwards is?  Nup.  And A nup's a nup.

Thanks for combing.

Seizure tomorrow.

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