Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Come up and see me sometime...

So, as result of having a lazy day basking in the success of yesterday's post, as well as an extended nap it's now two and a half hours before this one is supposed to publish.  All I've done today is ponder my navel.  As far as bellybuttons go, it's a fine innie and a perfect spot to store my lint collection.  I'm sorry to announce I've found the remains of the missing spelunkers though.  (Names are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.)

So, you guys like, um...stuff?

The potential for an earth shattering epiphany (not really, I can dream big though, right?) is plastered over the desk top with about 15 digital sticky notes.  I just don't want to mess with them at all tonight.  So, I'll just Ramble a bit more, or less, bat my pretty dark green/brown/hazel eyes, shake my lard ass, ample booty and show a little leg.  Once I start in with the silky smooth baritone/bass country accent, y'all  will soon forget why you're here and forgive me the nonsense.  (Probably not, I can still dream though, right?)

Is anyone surprised by Donald J. Trump saying,  'I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.' or that political reporters at The New York Times "don't know how to write good." or maybe how his campaign is blaming the current administration and a change in the rules of engagement for the death of US Army Captain, Humayun Khan on June 8th, 2004.  Hmmm, howzat work again?  Doesn't the twenty-second Amendment to the Constitution, ratified more than 65 years ago nix that idea? 

Aiiiit.  I gotta quit. Politicin' ain't good for my blood pressure or what little mental stability I have remaining.

Thanks for coming along.  Wink, wink, bat, bat...

See you tomorrow...

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