Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Try these...

"Hello, I have a question about your targeted advertisement demographics.  It's my understanding that you sell feminine hygiene products.  I'm not quite certain people over the age of 18 who live in, or have recently visited, or are thinking about visiting the U.S.A. is the efficient use of targeting labels.

Yes, of course I understand that many men purchase products for the women in their lives, does your market research indicate that we, men, actually have a say in this?

I really don't think that will go over swimmingly well."

"Here Honey, try these.  Yes, I know you always use those, but these were on sale and the company sent me an ad on Facebook.  They even asked for my feedback.  I'll tell them you love them, maybe they'll send us a free sample, or a coupon.

Honeybun, have I told you lately how cute and adorable you are when you're angry?

What's that you say?  You're about to become gorgeous?  AWESOME!!!

Hey.  Wait a sec.  Why do I have to sleep on the couch?  What did I say?  I was just trying to be helpful.

You're WHAT? Cutting me off.  You can't, you don't know where I'm getting it.

No baby, it's just a joke, seriously.  Lorena honey, what are you going to do with those scissors?"

See  you tomorrow, that is if I can get any sleep on the couch...

1 comment:

Vixynne said...

It's a good thing my phone is liquid-resistant. Note to self:do not read this blog while sipping coffee! :D